• hello@pelshare.com
  • +91 9961 91 9998

Hello Type 1 Diabetes

To empower the Type 1 Diabetes community by creating information they can access to improve medical outcomes and quality of life. Across South-East Asia it is estimated* that over 10,000 young people have Type 1 Diabetes. In order for them to survive and thrive, it is vital these people understand their condition and are educated in best management practices. Many of them live hundreds of kilometres from hospitals and a trip to see a specialist Doctor can be financially and emotionally overwhelming. So the conventional approach of educating people through leaflets at clinics, although done with best intentions, continues to have limited outreach.

Part of Action4Diabetes, a UK-registered charity that saves and empower young people with Type 1 Diabetes in deprived communities across South-East Asia.

Project Details
  • Date30 Nov -0001
  • Client NameHello Type 1 Diabetes
  • Project typeWebsite

Additional Info
